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Ageless Alliance Website Redesign

My Role:

UI/UX Designer

The Challenge:

Design a user-centric website for users to donate, share stories, and engage with the Non-Profit in the hopes of ending elder abuse by highlighting the voices of the abused and turning them into action.

The mission of the Ageless Alliance is to turn voices into action to end elder abuse.


Team of 3, 3-week sprint

The Solution:

Our goals are to improve the usability of the website by redesigning using UI components for a more modern aesthetic, designing a user-friendly interface, creating a clear navigation bar, and transforming the information architecture of the existing site to make it easier to locate pages and tabs.

Ageless Alliance Hero.png

The Approach:

The Ageless Alliance website is not suitable for users to navigate easily. Our aim was to design a user-friendly interface with clear navigation, and good design heuristics.

Logo 1.png

User Research:

Heuristic analysis, user persona, user motivation, competitor analysis, storyboard


Card sorting, user flow, wireframes, prototypes, prototype testing, style guide, user testing 

Testing & Iterations:

Iteration of mobile and web prototypes, v2 prototype testing


Next steps and final thoughts

Homepage New copy 1.png

User Research:

Heuristic Analysis

Our first task was to identify possible paint points that users experienced on the Ageless Alliance Website. We identified our user persona and their motivation for visiting the site. Ultimately, our goal is to help users such as Evelyn to find resources that advocate for senior rights.

User Persona 1.png

User Research

We found that the original aesthetic of the page is bland and often has too much text on a single page. The navigation from page to page is confusing as some key elements are either unclear or not working. Sympathy, personal connections, and goals of NPOs determine if users want to make donations. Most think seniors are not tech-savvy. Donation is one of the most important function in an NPO’s webpage.

Ageless Alliance Redesign (1) 1.png


Designing a scenario for our user was important in identifying a possible solution to the pain points our interview subjects faced when testing.


Competitor Analysis

Researching other websites that offered a similar solution helped us identify strengths, weaknesses and features we felt would allow us to design a user-friendly and informative website.

Competitor Analysis.png

Prototyping & Testing:

Card Sorting and User Flow

Our goals were to simplify the navigation and consolidate to reduce redundant links that caused confusion or simply don’t work. Next, we wanted to highlight Donation & Stories pages

Ageless Alliance Redesign (2).png
Ageless Alliance Redesign (3).png

Style Guide

Style Tile (Old) 1.png



User Testing

It was vital that we did user testing to identify where we lacked in our initial wireframe prototypes so that we may improve our design.


Final Product:



Researching other websites that offered a similar solution helped us identify strengths, weaknesses and features we felt would allow us to design a user-friendly and informative website.

We found that sites either had an overabundance of information or simply lacked information and had a lot of blank space throughout. We also found that impactful imagery created a more empathetic tone, something we sought on our own design.

Next Steps: Chat message feature on website-links to support groups and professionals who can chat in real time Redesign the Ageless Alliance Flyer Full suite rebranding and iterating on current web + mobile designs Building a relationship with NPO for more resources and to build connections.

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