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LivingRoom AR

Furniture App

My Role:

UI/UX Designer

The Challenge:

People find it difficult to visualize how furniture would fit in their space when shopping for home furnishings.

LivingRoom is an Augmented Reality App that makes it possible for users to select, place and visualize furniture in their own space.


Team of 3, 3-week sprint

The Solution:

By using AR technology, users are able to visualize their rooms design before committing to buying furniture.

LivingRoom Hero Image.png

The Approach:

In this case study, we developed our user research plan after first creating a proto-persona, which then allowed us to conduct interviews and a survey for further insight into the user’s thought process when buying furniture. We then defined our user persona. Finally, we designed, tested, and then iterated our wireframe prototype based on user test results.

LivingRoom Logo Gray on Pink 1.png

User Research:

User research plan, user persona, user motivation, competitor analysis, storyboard


User flow, wireframes, prototypes, prototype testing, user testing 

Testing & Iterations:

Iteration of mobile prototypes, v2 prototype testing


Next steps and final thoughts

AR Furniture Placement 1.png

User Research:

User Interviews

After gathering data from 16 survey responses, we conducted 6 one-on-one interviews with users who provided information into their thought process when purchasing furniture, with a goal to gain insight on how to make furniture shopping a better experience. 


User Surveys

For our survey, we asked 16 participants to tell us about their furniture shopping habits, wants and needs to gain further insight about the thought process that a user might have when purchasing furniture. 


Affinity Diagram

We synthesized our data from our 6 interviews and survey into sticky notes and organized them into an affinity diagram with 10 categories based on user demographics, pain points, furniture shopping habits, budget, needs and likes. 

Affinity Diagram.jpg

User Persona

Upon synthesizing our data from our surveys and user interviews, we defined our user persona, Anthony Rodriguez, a 27 year old Computer Programmer from Tucson, AZ. Detail-oriented, thrifty, and self-sufficient, Anthony’s tech-savviness led him to use our AR furniture app to furnish his new apartment. His goals are to visualize how his apartment looks before spending too much money and energy on going to the store and figuring out the dimensions of his space.

User Persona.png


Designing a scenario for our user was important in identifying a possible solution to the pain points our interview subjects faced when testing.


User Flow

User Flow.jpg

Prototyping & Testing:



User Testing

It was vital that we did user testing to identify where we lacked in our initial wireframe prototypes so that we may improve our design.

▶ Wireframe-Ricky 2 - LivingRoom Prototy

Final Product



Overall, users liked how much guidance they were given. They also liked seeing progress bars when there were several tasks asked of them. 

Our key takeaway: communication, teamwork and iterating was crucial in brainstorming and creating a successful product

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